Success Stories

Recycling Center of Bwa Nef

Manithe Laguerre is running a recycling center in Cite Soleil that has created a market for plastic bottles that previously were clogging the canals of the Cite, using a market approach to make Cite Soleil's streets cleaner


RAJEPRE is a dynamic organisation in Bwa Nef that concentrates on civic education: they run a community school and teach the children about environmental preservation and tree planting, while mobilizing the community to keep their streets clean


Belanje is a community which is home to a dynamic organisation that works both in supporting the area's farmers and managing a system of potable water for the community, and is home to an incredibly successful community-supported football academy.


St Michel is known as the klerin capital of Haiti, but it is also a place rich in mangos. UCOODEPSA has embarked on an initiative to transform mangos (and other local fruits) to provide sustainable livelihoods and protect the environment.

COPAIMAR, Marmelade

Marmelade is the bamboo hub of Haiti, and has been since an initiative with the Governments of Haiti and Taiwan in 2000. But now the community of Marmelade has taken on a bamboo transformation center (and more) and is sustaining it themselves. 

OFARR, Ravine des Roches

Ravine des Roches is home to a women's group which has mobilised to help each other with commercial activities, and recently has begun a community school to meet a gap they saw in their children's access to education.

Lèt Agogo, Tyot (Thiotte)

A community dairy unit started with the network of Lèt Agogo, which was actually started as a strategy to combat deforestation in Foret de Pins (a national protected forest) by providing alternative livelihood solutions.

IJDS, Sivadye (Cyvadier)

An organisation called IJDS which is training a generation on environmental preservation by being a demonstration ground for a new type of charcoal made out of coconut husks and cow manure, tree nurseries, compost toilets, youth football leagues, and eco-tourism

AFODE, Lakwa Peris

In Leste there is a women's group called AFODE which works on training women in the community on issues ranging from democratic participation to family planning, all with local resources, and also carries out cultural activities for the community.

MIJD, Desalin (Dessalines)

Desalin is home to an organization called MIJD, which over the past few years has succeeded in building a road to their community which is wide enough for cars to pass, all with volunteer labor, all by hand. 
