Agrikilti/ sekirite alimante

Bokozèl (Bocozelle)

 Bokozel gen yon oganizasyon kominote a kote y'ap jere yon sistem dlo ak pano sole a nan yon fason dirab.

APDC, Chevodèklòch (Chevreau des Cloches)

Chevodèklòch is home to an organization engaged in many activities, and is currently managing a solar-powered water filtration system.

Tirivyè (Petite Rivière de l’Artibonite)

 Yon gwoup jen agwonom ki te gen konesans yo te swaf pataje ak kominote a, e sa pouse yo pou fe yon kowoperatif agrikol ki fo anpil.

RACPABA, Tirivyè (Petite Rivière de l’Artibonite)

A group of young agronomists felt the need to share the results of a rice experiment with their communities, and created a resilient farmer's cooperative

Lalwè (Lalouère)

Lalwè se lakay yon koperative agrikilti ki trè djanm ki bay manm li yo aksè kredi, fòmasyon, semans, epi alfabètizasyon.  

KAB, Lalwè (Lalouère)

 Lalwe is home to a strong agricultural cooperative that provides its members access to credit, training, seeds, and literacy trainings.


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