Soumis par admin le ven, 12/21/2012 - 21:32

OPECS se yon koperativ pèch nan Site Solèy ki trè dinamik epi ki bay kominote Nòwe nan Site Soley anpil solidarite.
Soumis par admin le jeu, 12/20/2012 - 20:08
Sen Michèl rekoni kòm kapital kleren Ayiti a, men tou li se yon kote ki rich an mango. UCOODEPSA anbake ak yon inisyativ pou transfòme mango (ak lòt fwi lokal) pou kreye yon mwayen pou viv ki dirab epi tou pou pwoteje anviwonman an.
Soumis par admin le jeu, 12/20/2012 - 20:05
Belanje se yon kominote ki se kay yon òganizasyon dinamik ki travay toude pou sipòte kiltivatè zòn nan epi nan jesyon sistèm dlo potab pou nan kominote a, epi tou gen yon akademi foutbòl ki fè anpil siksè.
Soumis par admin le mar, 12/18/2012 - 18:02
Yon mouvman nan Ravin de Wòch pou adrese mank de wout ak enfrastrikti nan kominote a atrave travay volontè ak patisipasyon kominote a.
Soumis par admin le mar, 12/18/2012 - 17:59
Yon kominote ki, tèlman avèk anpil siksè, kwaze bèf lokal avèk yon bèf etranje epi fòme kominote nan elvaj ke kounyea yo pwodwi tèlman anpil lèt ke yo distribye l nan lekòl lokal yo gratis.
Soumis par admin le lun, 12/17/2012 - 13:22
A movement inside of Ravine des Roches to address the community's lack of roads and infrastructure through volunteer labor and community contributions.
Soumis par admin le jeu, 12/06/2012 - 13:15
A community which has so successfully bred local cows with a foreign cow and trained the community on animal husbandry that the community now produces so much excess milk that it gets delivered to local schools for free
Soumis par admin le mer, 10/31/2012 - 22:22
Belanje is a community which is home to a dynamic organisation that works both in supporting the area's farmers and managing a system of potable water for the community, and is home to an incredibly successful community-supported football academy.
Soumis par admin le mer, 10/31/2012 - 22:06
t Michel is known as the klerin capital of Haiti, but it is also a place rich in mangos. UCOODEPSA has embarked on an initiative to transform mangos (and other local fruits) to provide sustainable livelihoods and protect the environment.
Soumis par admin le sam, 10/13/2012 - 22:12
Desalin is home to an organization called MIJD, which over the past few years has succeeded in building a road to their community which is wide enough for cars to pass, all with volunteer labor, all by hand.