
Limonade is a community that is managing historical site, using that as a way of bringing the community together.

In Limonade there is a touristic site called Basin Mambo, which has great cultural and historic significance. Years ago, the community realized that there was not being enough done to maintain and develop the site, and so two local groups decided to begin working with the local authorities to rehabilitate and revitalize the site.

The organizations give volunteers to keep the site clean, reforest the area around the basin, and maintain the basin with small canals and walls. When tourists come to visit, the organizations provide horses for tourists to use to visit the site and guides who can educate them on the history of Basin Mambo. They work closely with the local mayor, and of the funds generated by the Basin, some go to the community and the rest go back into maintaining this cultural site.


GPS coordinates: 
Primary contact: 
Chantille, 37226466

Success gradient:

the Mayor of Limonade