Soumis par Anonymous le mer, 09/19/2012 - 17:52

Vodrey, ki sitye nan zòn riral Site Solèy, se yon kominote agrikiltirèl ki trè dinamik epi ki gen anpil siksè avèk yon sistèm mikwo-kredi ki rele Mutuelle de Solidarite.
Soumis par admin le sam, 09/15/2012 - 14:29
Kominote Valere rebwaze tet li apre plis ke 20 an ap travay pou sa, e l'ap fe yon model fore dirab.
Soumis par admin le sam, 09/15/2012 - 14:26
Valere is a community which has completely reforested itself over the past quarter-century, and is growing a sustainable model forest.
Soumis par admin le ven, 09/14/2012 - 14:29
Yon gwoup jen agwonom ki te gen konesans yo te swaf pataje ak kominote a, e sa pouse yo pou fe yon kowoperatif agrikol ki fo anpil.
Soumis par admin le ven, 09/14/2012 - 13:07

Lalwè se lakay yon koperative agrikilti ki trè djanm ki bay manm li yo aksè kredi, fòmasyon, semans, epi alfabètizasyon.