SOFAB, Bwa Nef, St Raphael

SOFABS is an incredibly active women's group that mobilizes to do everything from repairing the roads in the community to advocating for victim's of gender-based violence to creating activities for local youth.Bwa Nef is a small rural section in St Raphael that is home to about 14,000 people. Within Bwa Nef there is a a strong women's organization called SOFABS (Solidarity for the Women of Bwa Nef, St Raphael) which engages in almost all aspects of community life. They repair the roads in the community when they are damaged on a volunteer basis, they have a sol (a kind of rotating cash pool) to help provide women with the finances they need to do business, and they create social activities for young men and women such as community football games. They also take on an advocacy role: whenever there is a victim of gender-based violence, they work as advocates to help find justice for her. And they've also been working on the environment by planting trees  by a local spring.

GPS coordinates: 
Primary contact: 
Bernadette, 46026349

Success gradient:

Section communale: 
Bwa Nef
St Raphael