There is an international organisation calle IAHV (International Association for Human Values)

which promotes methods of healthy, holistic living. After the earthquake of January 12, 2010,
IAHV came to Haiti to assist with the post-traumatic side of the recovery, teaching Haitians skills for stress relief, meditation, and other methods of dealing with the extreme trauma suffered during the earthquake. It was during this initiative that they discovered a group of dynamic young Haitians in the south of the country, and decided to help build a program off of developing them as leaders.

They received agrant from USAID to train a group of 19 youth leaders from across the country
in a holistic program that would allow them to be stronger individuals, entrepreneurs, and
community leaders, calling it Nouvelle Vie. Youth were recruited from Les Cayes, Jacmel,
Hinche, Cap Haitian, Port au Prince, and other areas and brought to Cap Haitian where they
lived for several months undergoing intensive training in subjects ranging from permaculture (a holistic and sustainable approach to everything from agriculture to construction), mindfulness meditation, community leadership, yoga, nutrition, stress management, and entrepreneurship. Afterwards, the youth returned to their homes to try to put what they learned into action, either through their own sustainable businesses or through community initiatives.
The group in Cap Haitian consists of two of the Nouvelle Vie graduates, who have decided to
turn the house which they are living in into a full training center. They offer yoga sessions every
Saturday and meditation every Sunday, and they go into rural communities across the North

Department to offer trainings to farmers cooperatives on permaculture methods of composting
and planting. They also receive requests for trainings constantly and have trained hundreds in
a range of subjects. Their house is a demonstration center in and of itself: they have installed
a rooftop garden that displays the principles of urban gardening by using recycled car tires
as planters, and they have successfully managed a vermaculture installation by cultivating a
handfull of earthworms given to them a year ago into tens of thousands of earthworms that are
now producing high-quality compost that they can use in their garden or sell.