La Vallee de Demain, Musac

A group of young people in Musac who were inspired by stories the elder people in their community about how beautiful the area used to be. They have committed themselves to reforestation and environmental action


In Musac, there was a group of young people who used to get together and listen to the stories of the elders in the community about how beautiful the community was in the past, and how it had become degraded and deforested. 20 young people got together and decided they couldn't just lament over a lost past, but that it was their responsibility to make their future brighter.

In 2012, they founded La Vallee de Demain, and began a reforestation and environmental preservation campaign in the community. A community tree nursery was founded, and they began producing and distributing young trees in the community. 

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Living Media, ACDI VOCA